Announcing The Risk Network – Register Now and Source, Broker, or Offer Capacity Faster

Announcing The Risk Network – Register Now and Source, Broker, or Offer Capacity Faster

Pre-register now in 1 minute by signing up to Relay, and declaring your Risk Appetite in RINK. Just click here.

How do you maintain, nurture, and expand your dealmaking connections now that you work from home? How do you augment them digitally?

Today, I am delighted to announce the launch of The Risk Network – or “RINK” for short – to do just that.

Professionals in the insurance and reinsurance industry have asked for it: in these days of remote working, they need a better way to connect, quickly.

What RINK does is allow all parties around the table of current or future risk transfers to connect better, whether you already know each other, or should know each other.

Those connections should be curated and focused around risk placements – not a free for all full of recruiters, career and wellness coaches, or bloated functionality.

That network should allow you to have your usual connections at your fingertips, and also find others – but through your trusted relationships only, to reduce noise.

It should allow you to do 3 things well:

  1. Ask for advice and information more easily than email / phone, and build the relationship before you need it. Just click and chat;
  2. Find, secure or offer capacity faster, because Speed-to-Market is the name of the game;
  3. Receive recommendations at placement time, for hard-to-place placements.

Over the next few weeks, we will be launching the core functionalities of adding contacts, matching, chatting, and more!

There will be incentives for early adopters who sign now. We’ve already announced that the first 500 will receive a special “Early Champion” badge, and will announce more incentives to help you differentiate yourself in the market.

So don’t wait, get into the RINK now!

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