What Traction Does Relay Have?

What Traction Does Relay Have?

In our last two posts, we covered our sources of differentiation and the main high-level benefits we deliver to our users.

Yet we know a great product isn’t enough. It must come with a great organization. So if you are like most professionals in insurance/reinsurance, you may be wondering about traction, too!

Here are our latest successes:

  • Since the launch of its initial Facultative reinsurance in March 2020, Relay has already been used to request quotes from 5 of the top 10 global reinsurers, many of which were bound on the platform (remember: Relay does not require an account for reinsurers to respond to quote requests, but offers premium services such as data extraction, reporting, and integrations);
  • Relay has already expanded to cover open-market commercial insurance risk transfers and is rapidly expanding to cover all risk transfer types, in collaboration with brokers, insurers, and reinsurers;
  • Relay is backed by Fortune-500 American Family Insurance, NFP Ventures, Highline Beta and Plug and Play Ventures;
  • Relay was recently featured in Intelligent Insurer, Insurance Insider, Reinsurance News, Coverager, ACORD, and several other outlets;
  • Relay is the first licensed North American partner of ACORD Solutions Group;
  • Relay was selected by investor Plug and Play Insurtech as a Top 10 Insurtech Company for 2020;
  • Relay was selected as one of four current finalists for the renowned Insurance Insider “Disruptor of the Year” Honours competition (although Relay is the best alternative to disruption for risk transfer specialists!)
  • Relay was selected as a semi-finalist in the US Acord challenge in 2019;
  • Relay was selected as a Plug and Play Insurtech class 7 graduate;
  • Relay was selected as a Global Insurance Accelerator insurtech week guest;
  • Relay was selected as a current finalist in the Canadian Insurtech North Wolf Pack pitch challenge.

We will continue to populate this list with achievements as they happen, so consider it a running list.

In the meantime, there is no greater achievement than delivering value to you and your clients and partners, so please get in touch and let’s start a dialog.

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